Physics (PHY): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 471
Probing Electronic States in Twisted Bilayer Graphene with Electric Fields: A study of Superconductivity, Non-Local Resistance, Magnetoresistance Hysteresis, and Thermoelectric Effects
Introducing a `twist' degree of freedom to modify the low energy band structures and engineer novel electronic phases from the constituent van der Waals 2D materials, was proposed theoretically more than a decade earlier ... -
Electrical Transport and Point Contact Spectroscopy in Core-Shell Bimetallic Nanostructures
An extensively pursued strategy for realizing new materials is the creation of interfaces between two similar or dissimilar systems, which can invoke multiple processes like electronic reconstruction, strain-induced ... -
Quantum Glass, Spin Liquids, Fragmentation, Fractional Orbitals, and Flat Band Physics in Classical and Quantum Spin Models
The world of many-body physics, encompassing both classical and quantum systems, is a breeding ground for novel phases of matter. Recent attention revolves around exotic phases characterized by fractionalized particles, ... -
Quantum and classical hardware development for superconducting qubits
The journey toward realizing practical quantum computing involves overcoming critical challenges in qubit architecture, robust gate performance, and scalable control systems. This thesis addresses these challenges through ... -
Galactic cosmic rays from star clusters and nearby supernovae remnants
Cosmic rays (CRs) are high-energy particles, predominantly originating from outside the Earth’s atmosphere. These particles, ranging from protons to heavier nuclei, propagate through space at nearly the speed of light, ... -
Crystal Structure of an Effector Histone Methyltransferase Rv2067c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv: Structural Insights into Context-Dependent Substrate Recognition Structure and Dynamics of a GNAT Family Protein Acetyltransferase HP0935 from a Gastric Pathogen Helicobacter pylori 26695
Methylation of histones is one of the important gene regulation mechanisms in eukaryotes. Histone methylation has a role in immune response to the invading pathogens. Pathogens implement effector proteins that evade host ... -
The Role of Physiology, Geometry and Mechanics in Some Cardiac Arrhythmias
Chapter 1: We start with a brief introduction about the history and modern perspective, of cardiac literature, some description of the models we use for the electrophysiology simulations. Chapter 2 Focal arrhythmias, ... -
Simulations and modeling of multiphase gas in the circumgalactic medium
The circumgalactic medium (CGM) plays a critical role in galactic evolution, serving as a complex gaseous environment that hosts most of a galaxy's baryonic matter and mediates intricate gas flows. This thesis presents ... -
Multiscale Modeling of Molecular Sieve Membranes
Gases permeating through nanopores experience selective adsorption with sub-diffusive dynamics. In this work we investigate how the physicochemical properties of nanoporous membranes influence adsorption dynamics of gases, ... -
Study of Optical Coupling of Excitons & Trions in Colloidal Quantum Wells with Photonic Metasurface Resonators & Microcavities
Quantum photonics held immense potential for applications such as quantum metrology and cryptography. In this thesis, we investigated the optical properties of colloidal quantum wells (CQWs) integrated with photonic ... -
Studies of Models of Superfluids from Nanometres to Astrophysical Scales
In this thesis, we study various models of superfluids applicable across a broad range of systems, from laboratory flows to astrophysical scales. At zero temperature, we utilize the Gross-Pitaevskii model of superfluid 4He ... -
Explorations of singularities in some hydrodynamical partial differential equations
The global regularity problem for the 3D Euler equations remains unsolved. The presence of finite-time singularities (FTS) can signal the breakdown of the PDE as a physical model for fluid flow; it is also conjectured to ... -
Novel spin, charge, and lattice dynamics in pyrochlore iridates : Raman and X-ray diffraction studies at low temperatures and high pressure
This thesis investigates phonon dynamics, electronic, and spin excitations along with structural instabilities and phase transitions in rare earth pyrochlore iridates, A2Ir2O7 (A = Pr, Gd, Dy, and Er) and Bi-doped Sm2Ir2O7 ... -
Interfacial engineering to reduce switching current in perpendicularly magnetized Pt/Co/Pt system for memory applications
Tuning the interfacial properties of heavy metal (HM)/ Ferromagnet (FM)/ heavy metal (HM) thin film systems with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) has attracted massive attention in the recent past because of their ... -
Lagrangian dispersion statistics of compressible turbulence
Turbulent transport of mass, momentum and energy are ubiquitous across physical processes spanning a vast expanse of scales, from the formation of clouds, the transport of pollutants and nutrients across oceans, and the ... -
Dielectric property studies on Poly vinylidene fluoride composites with Graphene Oxide and functionalized Carbon nanotube fillers
Embargo up to November 1, 2025 Graphene Oxide (GO) and functionalized Carbon nanotubes (FCNT) are promising materials in the field of polymer composites due to their ability to disperse nicely in the polymer matrix. The ... -
Particles and Fields in Active Turbulence
I have extended various facets of modern turbulence theory to hydrodynamic models of dense bacterial suspensions, which show turbule= nt-like patterns, dubbed active turbulence. By using direct numerical simulations (DNSs) ... -
Interplay of Electrons and Phonons in 2D Materials
Since the seminal study by Cao et al. in 2018, that revealed the emergence of superconductivity and correlated insulating behaviour in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), there has been a surge of exciting discoveries in moiré ... -
Complex magnetism and structural phase transition in correlated oxide systems
Perovskite and pyrochlore materials constitute a profoundly intriguing and extensively studied family owing to their diverse magnetic and structural properties. we thoroughly explored the structure and magnetism of the ... -
Investigation into flux-coupled electromechanical devices
Cavity optomechanical systems involve modulation of the resonance frequency of an optical cavity by the motion of a mechanical resonator. These systems are used to control and manipulate mechanical motion down to the quantum ...