Now showing items 81-100 of 163

    • Novel Upwind and Central Schemes for Various Hyperbolic Systems 

      Garg, Naveen Kumar (2018-05-21)
      The class of hyperbolic conservation laws model the phenomena of non-linear wave propagation, including the presence and propagation of discontinuities and expansion waves. Such nonlinear systems can generate discontinuities ...
    • A Multiscale Modeling Study of Iron Homeostasis in Mycrobacterium Tuberculosis 

      Ghosh, Soma (2018-05-10)
      Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), has remained the largest killer among infectious diseases for over a century. The increasing emergence of drug resistant varieties such as the ...
    • On an ODE Associated to the Ricci Flow 

      Bhattacharya, Atreyee (2018-04-18)
      We discuss two topics in this talk. First we study compact Ricci-flat four dimensional manifolds without boundary and obtain point wise restrictions on curvature( not involving global quantities such as volume and diameter) ...
    • Study of Higher Order Split-Step Methods for Stiff Stochastic Differential Equations 

      Singh, Samar B (2018-04-06)
      Stochastic differential equations(SDEs) play an important role in many branches of engineering and science including economics, finance, chemistry, biology, mechanics etc. SDEs (with m-dimensional Wiener process) arising ...
    • Single and Multi-player Stochastic Dynamic Optimization 

      Saha, Subhamay (2018-04-06)
      In this thesis we investigate single and multi-player stochastic dynamic optimization prob-lems. We consider both discrete and continuous time processes. In the multi-player setup we investigate zero-sum games with both ...
    • Development of Efficient Computational Methods for Better Estimation of Optical Properties in Diffuse Optical Tomography 

      Ravi Prasad, K J (2018-04-02)
      Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is one of the promising imaging modalities that pro- vides functional information of the soft biological tissues in-vivo, such as breast and brain tissues. The near infrared (NIR) light ...
    • Normal Spectrum of a Subnormal Operator 

      Kumar, Sumit (2018-03-21)
      Let H be a separable Hilbert space over the complex field. The class S := {N|M : N is normal on H and M is an invariant subspace for Ng of subnormal operators. This notion was introduced by Halmos. The minimal normal ...
    • Subnormality and Moment Sequences 

      Hota, Tapan Kumar (2018-03-07)
      In this report we survey some recent developments of relationship between Hausdorff moment sequences and subnormality of an unilateral weighted shift operator. Although discrete convolution of two Haudorff moment sequences ...
    • On the Stability of Certain Riemannian Functionals 

      Maity, Soma (2018-03-06)
      Given a compact smooth manifold Mn without boundary and n ≥ 3, the Lp-norm of the curvature tensor, defines a Riemannian functional on the space of Riemannian metrics with unit volume M1. Consider ...
    • Compactness Theorems for The Spaces of Distance Measure Spaces and Riemann Surface Laminations 

      Divakaran, D (2018-02-18)
      Gromov’s compactness theorem for metric spaces, a compactness theorem for the space of compact metric spaces equipped with the Gromov-Hausdorff distance, is a theorem with many applications. In this thesis, we give a ...
    • A Formal Proof of Feit-Higman Theorem in Agda 

      Rao, Balaji R (2018-02-18)
      In this thesis we present a formalization of the combinatorial part of the proof of Feit-Higman theorem on generalized polygons. Generalised polygons are abstract geometric structures that generalize ordinary polygons and ...
    • A Posteriori Error Analysis of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Elliptic Variational Inequalities 

      Porwal, Kamana (2018-02-15)
      The main emphasis of this thesis is to study a posteriori error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for the elliptic variational inequalities. The DG methods have become very pop-ular in the last two decades ...
    • Central and Peripheral Correlates of Motor Planning 

      Rungta, Satya Prakash (2018-02-11)
      A hallmark of human behaviour is that we can either couple or decouple our thoughts, decision and motor plans from actions. Previous studies have reported evidence of gating of information between intention and action that ...
    • Eigenvalues of Products of Random Matrices 

      Nanda Kishore Reddy, S (2018-02-07)
      In this thesis, we study the exact eigenvalue distribution of product of independent rectangular complex Gaussian matrices and also that of product of independent truncated Haar unitary matrices and inverses of truncated ...
    • Kinetic Theory Based Numerical Schemes for Incompressible Flows 

      Ruhi, Ankit (2018-02-07)
      Turbulence is an open and challenging problem for mathematical approaches, physical modeling and numerical simulations. Numerical solutions contribute significantly to the understand of the nature and effects of turbulence. ...
    • Mechanising knot Theory 

      Prathamesh, Turga Venkata Hanumantha (2018-01-31)
      Mechanisation of Mathematics refers to use of computers to generate or check proofs in Mathematics. It involves translation of relevant mathematical theories from one system of logic to another, to render these theories ...
    • Shortest Length Geodesics on Closed Hyperbolic Surfaces 

      Sanki, Bidyut (2018-01-31)
      Given a hyperbolic surface, the set of all closed geodesics whose length is minimal form a graph on the surface, in fact a so called fat graph, which we call the systolic graph. The central question that we study in this ...
    • Shift-like Automorphisms of Ck 

      Bera, Sayani (2018-01-03)
      We use transcendental shift-like automorphisms of Ck, k > 2 to construct two examples of non-degenerate entire mappings with prescribed ranges. The first example exhibits an entire mapping of Ck, k>2 whose range avoids a ...
    • Mixed Norm Estimates in Dunkl Setting and Chaotic Behaviour of Heat Semigroups 

      Boggarapu, Pradeep (2018-01-03)
      This thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part we study mixed norm estimates for Riesz transforms associated with various differential operators. First we prove the mixed norm estimates for the Riesz transforms ...