Browsing Mathematics (MA) by Title
Now showing items 68-87 of 157
Joint Eigenfunctions On The Heisenberg Group And Support Theorems On Rn
(2014-04-07)This work is concerned with two different problems in harmonic analysis, one on the Heisenberg group and other on Rn, as described in the following two paragraphs respectively. Let Hn be the (2n + 1)-dimensional Heisenberg ... -
Kinetic Theory Based Numerical Schemes for Incompressible Flows
(2018-02-07)Turbulence is an open and challenging problem for mathematical approaches, physical modeling and numerical simulations. Numerical solutions contribute significantly to the understand of the nature and effects of turbulence. ... -
Learning Filters, Filterbanks, Wavelets and Multiscale Representations
The problem of filter design is ubiquitous. Frequency selective filters are used in speech/audio processing, image analysis, convolutional neural networks for tasks such as denoising, deblurring/deconvolution, enhancement, ... -
Local Projection Stabilization Methods for the Oseen Problem
Finite element approximation of fluid flow problems with dominant convection exhibit spurious oscillations. To eliminate these nonphysical oscillations one needs to incorporate stabilizations that can curb the effect of ... -
Lp-Asymptotics of Fourier Transform Of Fractal Measures
(2018-06-08)One of the basic questions in harmonic analysis is to study the decay properties of the Fourier transform of measures or distributions supported on thin sets in Rn. When the support is a smooth enough manifold, an almost ... -
Matchings Between Point Processes
(2014-06-20) -
Mechanising knot Theory
(2018-01-31)Mechanisation of Mathematics refers to use of computers to generate or check proofs in Mathematics. It involves translation of relevant mathematical theories from one system of logic to another, to render these theories ... -
Minimal Crystallizations of 3- and 4- Manifolds
(2018-06-11)A simplicial cell complex K is the face poset of a regular CW complex W such that the boundary complex of each cell is isomorphic to the boundary complex of a simplex of same dimension. If a topological space X is homeomorphic ... -
Mixed Norm Estimates in Dunkl Setting and Chaotic Behaviour of Heat Semigroups
(2018-01-03)This thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part we study mixed norm estimates for Riesz transforms associated with various differential operators. First we prove the mixed norm estimates for the Riesz transforms ... -
Multi-scale Modelling of HLA Diversity and Its Effect on Cytotoxic Immune Responses in Influenza H1N1 Infection
(2018-06-06)Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) are important components of the adaptive immune system and function by scanning the intracellular environment so as to detect and de-stroy infected cells. CTL responses play a major role in ... -
A Multiscale Modeling Study of Iron Homeostasis in Mycrobacterium Tuberculosis
(2018-05-10)Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (TB), has remained the largest killer among infectious diseases for over a century. The increasing emergence of drug resistant varieties such as the ... -
Near Optimal Non-malleable Codes and Leakage Resilient Secret Sharing Schemes
A well-studied class of attacks on cryptosystems called "side-channel attacks", stems from the additional access that an adversary can get due to the susceptibility of the hardware on which the cryptosystem (e.g., digital ... -
Nodal sets of random functions
This thesis is devoted to the study of nodal sets of random functions. The random functions and the specific aspect of their nodalset that we study fall into two broad categories: nodal component count of Gaussian Laplace ... -
Normal Spectrum of a Subnormal Operator
(2018-03-21)Let H be a separable Hilbert space over the complex field. The class S := {N|M : N is normal on H and M is an invariant subspace for Ng of subnormal operators. This notion was introduced by Halmos. The minimal normal ... -
Novel Upwind and Central Schemes for Various Hyperbolic Systems
(2018-05-21)The class of hyperbolic conservation laws model the phenomena of non-linear wave propagation, including the presence and propagation of discontinuities and expansion waves. Such nonlinear systems can generate discontinuities ... -
Numerical Methods for Elliptic Variational Inequalities in Higher Dimensions
The main emphasis of this thesis is on developing and implementing linear and quadratic finite element methods for 3-dimensional (3D) elliptic obstacle problems. The study consists of a priori and a posteriori error ... -
Numerical Simulation Of Converging Nonlinear Wavefronts
(2013-01-24) -
Numerical Study Of Regularization Methods For Elliptic Cauchy Problems
(2011-06-30)Cauchy problems for elliptic partial differential equations arise in many important applications, such as, cardiography, nondestructive testing, heat transfer, sonic boom produced by a maneuvering aerofoil, etc. Elliptic ... -
On an ODE Associated to the Ricci Flow
(2018-04-18)We discuss two topics in this talk. First we study compact Ricci-flat four dimensional manifolds without boundary and obtain point wise restrictions on curvature( not involving global quantities such as volume and diameter) ...