Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 63
Chiral Phase Transition Temperature in 3-flavor QCD
The nature of the chiral phase transition in QCD with three massless flavors of quarks remains unresolved despite being studied for nearly four decades. This Ph.D. thesis is a study using Lattice QCD to determine the ... -
Phenomenological Explorations in Dark Matter
The previous decade has seen an explosive increase in explorations into the nature of dark matter (DM) encompassing astrophysical, particle and cosmological probes. We face today a large body of gravitational evidences ... -
Search for dark matter produced in association with b-jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the CMS detector using full Run2 data
A search for dark matter particles in the events containing large missing transverse energy accompanied by b-quarks has been performed. The data collected by the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider ... -
Searches for Higgs boson pair production in bbbb and bbgammagamma final states at Compact Muon Solenoid detector
The discovery of the Higgs boson makes the Standard Model (SM) a promising theory to understand fundamental physics. Despite its progress, the theory does not explain many observed phenomena such as dark matter and hierarchy ... -
Quantum walks and spatial search on regular graph
Random walks and algorithms based upon them are used widely to explore large state spaces that arise while studying physical systems. In this thesis, we will discuss some quantum generalizations of such algorithms and study ... -
Asymptotic Analysis of Multi-scale, Multi-loop Feynman Diagrams
It is very challenging to solve multi-scale, multi-loop Feynman diagrams analytically. The presence of different kinematic scales makes the computation of Feynman diagrams very difficult, sometimes impossible to get the ... -
Analytical Mellin-Barnes techniques with applications to two-loop SU(3) chiral perturbation theory and QED at higher loops
The present era is one of precision in particle physics. To account for the lacunae in the otherwise successful Standard Model, observables are calculated to high precision in various theoretical models, which are then ... -
Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Linear Algebra Problems
Many simulation problems can be expressed as time evolution under specific interactions, from some simple initial state to a final state whose properties are to be investigated. In this context, the Hamiltonian evolution ... -
Living on the Edge A Study of Boundary Modes In Two-dimensional Topological Systems
In the last few decades an enormous amount of research has been carried out on some novel phases of matter called topological phases which are beyond the paradigm of Landau’s theory of symmetry breaking. One of the ... -
Applications of Holography
This thesis consists of four parts. In the first part of the thesis, we investigate the phase structure of Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar system with a negative cosmological constant. For the conformally coupled scalar, an ... -
Aspects of conformal field theories at finite temperature
In this thesis we have studied broadly two aspects of thermal field theory. We began by examining how the macroscopic system (described by relativistic hydrodynamics) behalves in presence of microscopic anomalies. We ... -
Novel Pathways for Beyond Standard Model Physics
In the light of discovering the Higgs boson and null results at the LHC, we look for new pathways for Beyond Standard Model Physics, which could accommodate at least one of the Standard Model shortcomings. (i) Unification ... -
A Study of the Low-Energy Spectrum and Phase Structure of a Yang-Mills Matrix Model
Yang-Mills theory is a non-Abelian gauge theory based on the gauge group SU(N), and lies at the heart of the QCD, the theory underlying strong interactions. Due to the fundamental property of asymptotic freedom, a study ... -
Some phenomenological studies of the Higgs boson(s) in the Standard Model and beyond
The fundamental particles and their interactions are described by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Various experiments has been performed over the years and they indicate towards the consistency of the SM with ... -
Applications of Moonshine Symmetry in String Theory
In this thesis we study the applications of Mathieu moonshine symmetry to compacti cations of supersymmetric string theories. These theories are compacti ed on a 6 dimensional manifold K3 T2. The main ingredient in ... -
Aspects of Heavy Supersymmetry
The recent discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass around 125 GeV, taken together with experimental results from flavor factories, dark matter direct detection, and searches for SUSY particles in the LHC suggest that ... -
Higgs phenomenology and Dark Matter prospects in MSSM, NMSSM and U(1) extended SM
Particle physics today is at a juncture where all particles predicted within Standard Model (SM) have been discovered at the particle colliders while no particles from the realm of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) ... -
Heavy flavour and direct photon probes of the gluon Sivers function
Traditionally the production of heavy quarkonia, heavy-flavour mesons as well as of direct photons, has been used to constrain the gluon density inside the proton. In this thesis, I have assessed various heavy flavour ... -
Topological Phases, Majorana Modes, Dynamics and Transport in One-Dimensional Systems
This thesis presents work done on topological phases, Majorana modes, dynamics and transport in various system like the Kitaev models in one and two dimensions and systems with junctions of a p-wave superconductor and ... -
Lessons for Gravity from Entanglement
One of the recent fundamental developments in theoretical high energy physics is the AdS/CFT correspondence [1, 2, 3, 4] which posits a relationship between Quantum Field Theories (QFT) in a given dimension and String ...