Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 63
Information scrambling in spin glasses and entanglement transition of monitored bosons
In this thesis, I study various aspects of quantum many-body dynamics from the perspective of quantum information scrambling and entanglement dynamics in closed systems as well as systems interacting with the environment. ... -
Proposals for probing BSM in unexplored corners of Top physics and Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM)
Despite its triumphs, the Standard Model (SM) fails to address many experimental observations and theoretical puzzles. Explanation of these necessitates postulation of new physics beyond those in the SM (BSM). The thesis ... -
Non-equilibrium phases, criticality and information scrambling in low-dimensional quantum systems
This thesis contains research works encompassing different areas of quantum condensed matter physics in low dimensions ranging from non-equilibrium phases of matter, quantum criticality in equilibrium systems and quantum ... -
Search for Long-Lived Particles at High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider and Beyond
Despite extensive searches, clear indications of new physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) remain elusive. Traditionally, experimental searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during Phase I and phenomenological studies ... -
Some investigations into algebraic and geometric properties of Feynman integrals and related topics
We describe our investigations into various formal properties of Feynman integrals and of scattering amplitudes obtained from studying algebraic structures. There are variety of ways to study these properties. Out of which, ... -
Feynman Integral Calculus and Hypergeometric Functions: New Results, Interconnections and Computer Algebra
Feynman integrals play a fundamental role in perturbative calculations within the realm of quantum field theory. In this thesis, we study several important mathematical properties of multi-loop multi-leg Feynman Integrals ... -
Studies of Feynman and Related Integrals and their Hypergeometric Connection using the Method of Brackets, Algebraic Relations and Singularity Analysis
Feynman integrals are special kind of integrals that arise in perturbative quantum field theory and are often very difficult to evaluate in terms of known functions of mathematical physics. At times some of the methods ... -
Explorations in Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning is a rapidly developing field. In part 1 of this thesis, I benchmark common QML methods with the most popular datasets used in classical ML. I compare results from quantum and classical methods and ... -
Renormalization Group Summation at High Orders and Implications to the Determination of Some Standard Model Parameters
In perturbation theory, predictions from theories like Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) are obtained by evaluating Feynman diagrams to high orders. Such calculations for re sults for various processes are already available ... -
Prompt and Displaced Signatures of Physics Beyond the Standard Model
The quest to understand our Universe’s fundamental particles and their interactions has led us to the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Despite successfully explaining the weak, electromagnetic, and strong ... -
Transport and criticality in topological systems and spin models
This thesis presents work done on transport in topological insulators and graphene-based systems, and quantum criticality in one- and two-dimensional spin models. In particular we study the following: transport on surfaces ... -
New tools to constrain EFTs and CFTs
In this thesis, we develop new methods for the S matrix bootstrap in the context of 2-2 scattering amplitudes and four-point correlators in conformal field theories (CFTs). For 2-2 scattering in quantum field theories, ... -
Entanglement properties of gauge theories and the graviton.
Entanglement entropy is emerging as a useful quantity to study critical phenomena in quantum systems, black holes physics, and holography. In this presentation, we discuss entanglement properties of gauge theories and ... -
Exponential Resummation of QCD at Finite Chemical Potential
A comprehensive study of the QCD phase diagram is one of the challenging and open problems in high energy physics. Having significant astrophysical implications, this is also important in constructing the chronological ... -
Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to a pair of bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13 TeV using CMS 2017 and 2018 data
The discovery of the Higgs boson has opened a new portal to search for Dark Matter(DM). Since DM does not interact in the CMS detector, searches rely on the missing transverse energy in association with a visible SM ... -
Aspects of Holography and Quantum complexity
We begin with the Principle of holography and the AdS/CFT correspondence. We begin our investigations by considering the Principle of Holography, at the level of codimension-1 screens. We argue that the mechanism of encoding ... -
Mesonic screening mass at zero and finite chemical potential
The finite temperature analysis of QCD is challenging since perturbation theory is not applicable in that regime. A non-perturbative method like lattice QCD is thus required to obtain an estimate of the necessary observables. ... -
On Hypergeometric solutions of Feynman integrals using Mellin-Barnes Integrals with Applications
Experimental measurements of physical observables in particle colliders rely on high-precision theoretical calculations to validate the predictions of any theoretical model and detect signals of new physics. These theoretical ... -
Complexity and Entanglement: From quantum gravity to many-body systems
In recent years, complexity and entanglement have emerged as two fundamental computational measures and played a significant role in shaping our understanding of various phenomena, from the geometric nature of quantum ... -
Explorations in the Space of S-Matrices
S-matrix is one of the fundamental observables of the quantum theory of relativistic particles. The quantum dynamics of relativistic particles can be abstractly understood in terms of S-matrix bypassing a Lagrangian ...