Browsing Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP) by Title
Now showing items 13-32 of 61
Direct and Indirect Search for New Physics at Colliders
The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has been remarkably successful to describe strong, weak and electromagnetic forces of nature, as it has agreed with most of the experiments till date. However, there are still ... -
An Efficient Quantum Algorithm and Circuit to Generate Eigenstates Of SU(2) and SU(3) Representations
(2018-04-18)Many quantum computation algorithms, and processes like measurement based quantum computing, require the initial state of the quantum computer to be an eigenstate of a specific unitary operator. Here we study how quantum ... -
Efficient Quantum Algorithms for Linear Algebra Problems
Many simulation problems can be expressed as time evolution under specific interactions, from some simple initial state to a final state whose properties are to be investigated. In this context, the Hamiltonian evolution ... -
Electronic Transport in Low-Dimensional Systems Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires And Topological Insulators
(2018-04-05)This thesis presents the work done on electronic transport in various interacting and non-interacting systems in one and two dimensions. The systems under study are: an interacting quantum dot [1], a non-interacting quantum ... -
Entanglement properties of gauge theories and the graviton.
Entanglement entropy is emerging as a useful quantity to study critical phenomena in quantum systems, black holes physics, and holography. In this presentation, we discuss entanglement properties of gauge theories and ... -
Explorations in Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning is a rapidly developing field. In part 1 of this thesis, I benchmark common QML methods with the most popular datasets used in classical ML. I compare results from quantum and classical methods and ... -
Explorations in the Space of S-Matrices
S-matrix is one of the fundamental observables of the quantum theory of relativistic particles. The quantum dynamics of relativistic particles can be abstractly understood in terms of S-matrix bypassing a Lagrangian ... -
Exponential Resummation of QCD at Finite Chemical Potential
A comprehensive study of the QCD phase diagram is one of the challenging and open problems in high energy physics. Having significant astrophysical implications, this is also important in constructing the chronological ... -
Feynman Integral Calculus and Hypergeometric Functions: New Results, Interconnections and Computer Algebra
Feynman integrals play a fundamental role in perturbative calculations within the realm of quantum field theory. In this thesis, we study several important mathematical properties of multi-loop multi-leg Feynman Integrals ... -
Flavor and Dark Matter Issues in Supersymmetric Models
(2018-04-06)The Standard Model of particle physics attempts to unify the fundamental forces in the Universe (except gravity). Over the years it has been tested in numerous experiments. While these experimental results strengthen our ... -
Heavy flavour and direct photon probes of the gluon Sivers function
Traditionally the production of heavy quarkonia, heavy-flavour mesons as well as of direct photons, has been used to constrain the gluon density inside the proton. In this thesis, I have assessed various heavy flavour ... -
The Higgs Boson as a Probe of Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider
(2018-05-08)The nature of interactions of fundamental particles is governed by symmetries. These interactions are well described by an elegant and simple SU(3)c x SU(2)L x U(1)Y symmetric gauge theory that we call the Standard Model ... -
Higgs phenomenology and Dark Matter prospects in MSSM, NMSSM and U(1) extended SM
Particle physics today is at a juncture where all particles predicted within Standard Model (SM) have been discovered at the particle colliders while no particles from the realm of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) ... -
Higher Spins, Entanglement Entropy And Holography
(2017-08-21)The idea of holography [1, 2] finds a concrete realization in form of the AdS/CFT correspondence [3, 4]. This duality relates a field theory with conformal symmetries to quantum gravity living in one higher dimension. In ... -
Issues in Phenomenology of Heavy Quarks And Leptons
(2017-09-26)The Standard Model (SM) of the particle physics, based on the gauge group SU(3) ×SU(2)L × U(1)Y , has been a successful theory which provides consistent description of all phenomena ranging from the nuclear beta decay to ... -
Lessons for Conformal Field Theories from Bootstrap and Holography
(2018-02-06)The work done in this thesis includes an exploration of both the conformal field theory techniques and holographic techniques of the Gauge/Gravity duality. From the field theory, we have analyzed the analytical aspects of ... -
Lessons for Gravity from Entanglement
One of the recent fundamental developments in theoretical high energy physics is the AdS/CFT correspondence [1, 2, 3, 4] which posits a relationship between Quantum Field Theories (QFT) in a given dimension and String ... -
Living on the Edge A Study of Boundary Modes In Two-dimensional Topological Systems
In the last few decades an enormous amount of research has been carried out on some novel phases of matter called topological phases which are beyond the paradigm of Landau’s theory of symmetry breaking. One of the ... -
Mesonic screening mass at zero and finite chemical potential
The finite temperature analysis of QCD is challenging since perturbation theory is not applicable in that regime. A non-perturbative method like lattice QCD is thus required to obtain an estimate of the necessary observables. ... -
Model Studies Of The Hot And Dense Strongly Interacting Matter
(2016-04-25)Ultra-relativisitic heavy ion collisions produce quark gluon plasma-a hot and dense soup of deconfined quarks and gluons akin to the early universe. We study two models in the context of these collisions namely, Polyakov ...