Materials Engineering (MatEng): Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 320
Development of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Composites as a Barrier Material for Organic Electronics
(2018-04-16)The ultra high barrier films for packaging find applications in a wide variety of areas where moisture and oxygen barrier is required for improved shelf-life of food/beverage products and for microbial free pharmaceutical ... -
Synthesis and Transformation of AuCu Intermetallic Nanoparticles
(2018-04-16)Investigations on size dependent phase stability and transformations in isolated nanoparticles have gained momentum in recent times. Size dependent phase stability generates size specific particle microstructure which ... -
Micro-scale Fracture Testing of Graded (Pt,Ni)Al Bond Coats
(2018-04-16)PtNiAl bond coats are diffusion aluminide coatings deposited on superalloy based turbine blades for oxidation resistance and improved adhesion between the substrate and the YSZ thermal barrier coating on top. They are ... -
Interdiffusion Study in Group IVB, VB and VIB Refractory Metal-Silicon Systems
(2018-04-13)The knowledge of diffusion parameters provides important understanding of many physical and mechanical properties of materials. In most of the applications silicides are grown by a diffusion controlled process mainly in ... -
Thiophene Derivative Photovoltaics : Device Fabrication, Optimization and Study of Charge Transport Characteristics
(2018-04-11)In the recent years area organic photovoltaics is generating a lot of interests because whole process of synthesis and fabrication is less energy intensive process as well as it is cost effective compared to conventional ... -
Densification Mechanisms for Spark Plasma Sintering in Alumina and Alumina Based Systems
(2018-03-19)The densification mechanisms of polycrystalline α-alumina by spark plasma sintering are highly contradictory, with different research groups suggesting diffusion to dislocation controlled mechanisms to be rate controlling. ... -
Microstructural Stability of Fully Lamellar and Duplex y-TiAl Alloys During Creep
(2018-03-06)γ-TiAl based alloys have attracted considerable research interest in the past few decades and have gained niche high temperature applications in aero-engines and automobiles. As high temperature structural materials, these ... -
Dry Sliding Wear of Saffil Short Fibre Reinforced AZ91D Mg Alloy Composite
(2018-03-01)Magnesium alloys have emerged as a promising material for light-weighting due to their potential for higher weight saving compared with advanced high-strength steel, aluminium alloys and glass fibre reinforced polymer ... -
Bioremediation of Zinc using Pseudomonas Species - Mechanistic Studies and Biosensor Applications
(2018-03-01)The rivers, lakes and seas are the major water sources for the animal and plant kingdom in this earth. In recent times, the usage and wastage of water have been increasing due to the uncontrolled population growth. In ... -
Structure, Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ga and R-Fe based Magnetostrictive Thin Films
(2018-02-27)Magnetostrictive materials belong to an important class of smart magnetic materials which have potential applications as ultrasonic transducers, sensors, actuators, delay lines, energy harvesting devices etc. Although, ... -
Mechanism and Modeling of Contact Damage in ZrN-Zr and TiAIN-TiN Multilayer Hard Coatings
(2018-02-23)With the amalgamation of hard coating in cutting tools industries for three decades now, a stage with proven performance has been reached. Today, nearly 40% of all cutting tools used in machining applications are sheltered ... -
Interfacial Processes in Densification of Cubic Zirconia
(2018-02-21)Sintering, a process of forming dense solid bodies from powder compacts remains the most important route for processing of ceramics. The process of sintering involves formation and growth of necks during initial stage, ... -
Development of New High Strength Alloy in Cu-Fe-Si System through Rapid Solidification
(2018-02-21)Copper based alloys play important role in high heat flux applications, particularly in rocket technology, the liner of the combustion chamber, and also in other heat transfer vessels. In these applications, one needs ... -
Studies on Bioremediation of Cr (VI) using Indigenous Bacterial Strains Isolated from a Chromite Mine
(2018-02-16)Heavy metals are released into the environment either by natural processes or by anthropogenic activities. Industries such as leather tanning, textiles, metallurgical, electroplating and mining activities discharge the ... -
Synthesis and Characterization of Functionalized Electroactive Polymers for Metal Ion Sensing
(2018-02-06)Metal ion contamination in surface and ground water is a major threat as it has a direct implication on the health of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna. Lead (Pb2+), mercury (Hg2+), cadmium (Cd2+), nickel (Ni2+), ... -
Therapeutic Applications of Biodegradable Chitosan Based Polyelectrolyte Nanocapsules
(2018-01-18)The past few years have witnessed significant work being directed towards drug delivery systems with layer-by layer (LbL) technique prominently featured as one of the most sought after approach. However, majority of the ... -
First-Principles Studies of Point Defects and Phase Transformations in Materials
(2018-01-18)The functional and mechanical properties of a material are often determined by the defects in them. A thorough understanding of the relationship between the defects and the properties allows for tailoring a material’s ... -
Fracture and Deformation in Bulk Metallic Glasses and Composites
(2018-01-11)Plastic flow in bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) localizes into narrow bands, which, in the absence of a microstructure that could obstruct them, propagate unhindered under tensile loading. In constrained deformation conditions ... -
Microstructural, Mechanical and Oxidation Behavior of Ni-Al-Zr Ternary Alloys
(2018-01-09)The thesis introduces a novel alloy system based on submicron distributions of intermetallic phases realised through eutectic solidification in the ternary system Ni-Al-Zr. Various compositions in this system comprising ... -
Microstructural, Mechanical and Oxidation Behavior of Ni-Al-Zr Intermetallic Eutectic Alloys
(2018-01-04)The excellent high temperature microstructure stability, high strength, and oxidation resistance of intermetallics has for long driven the development of intermetallic based alloys. More recent studies demonstrated attractive ...