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dc.contributor.advisorDutta, Pradip
dc.contributor.authorApoorva, *
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, we present an experimental and numerical study of globularization during reheating of thixocast billet having non-dendritic microstructure. The process of reheating is an important step in the semisolid processing and is essential to control its microstructure and hence its mechanical properties. Material chosen for this study is Aluminum alloy, A356. The primary focus of this study is the heat treatment below eutectic temperature i.e. transformation in solid phase. It is found that during short duration heat treatment, globularization of primary α grains and spheroidization of eutectic Si flakes take place which improves the mechanical properties of semisolid cast products significantly. A prolonged heat treatment is found to degrade the properties of castings since it enhances the porosity and coarsening of Si. The study suggests that a precise heat treatment practice can be designed to improve the semisolid microstructure. A computational model based on Phase field approach has been proposed to study this phenomena. Predictions based on this model are qualitatively compared with corresponding experimental observations. Since eutectics form an important step in multiphase solidification, an attempt has been made to develop an enthalpy based explicit micro-scale model for eutectic solidification. In this preliminary study, growth of adjacent α and β phases in a two dimensional Eulerian framework has been simulated. The model is qualitatively validated with Jackson Hunt theory. Results show expected eutectic growth. This methodology promises significant saving in computational time compared to existing numerical models.en_US
dc.subjectAluminium Alloys - Microstructuresen_US
dc.subjectMicrostructural Evolutionen_US
dc.subjectReheating - Enthalpy Methoden_US
dc.subjectEutectic Solidificationen_US
dc.subjectMultiphase Solidificationen_US
dc.subjectMicrostructure Modellingen_US
dc.subjectSemisolid Processingen_US
dc.subjectHeat Treatment - Phase Field Methoden_US
dc.subjectGibbs Thomson Effecten_US
dc.subjectPhase Fielden_US
dc.titleMicrostructure Evolution In Semisolid Processingen_US
dc.typeThesisen_US Enggen_US of Engineeringen_US

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