Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Transceiver Design Based on the Minimum-Error-Probability Framework for Wireless Communication Systems
Parameter estimation and signal detection are the two key components of a wireless communication system. They directly impact the bit-error-ratio (BER) performance of the system. Several criteria have been successfully ...
Relay Selection for Geographical Forwarding in Sleep-Wake Cycling Wireless Sensor Networks
Advances in wireless communication and microelectronics have led to the development of low-power compact sensor nodes (popularly called motes) that are capable of sensing, computing, and communication. A large number of ...
Cooperative Communication and QoS in Infrastructure WLANs
IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs operating in the infrastructure mode are extremely popular and have seen widespread deployment because of their convenience and cost efficiency. A large number of research studies have investigated ...
Algorithms For Spatial Modulation Systems
It is well known that multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver are imperative for reliable and high data-rate communication over wireless channels. However, these systems essentially need multiple radio frequency ...
Data Fusion Based Physical Layer Protocols for Cognitive Radio Applications
This thesis proposes and analyzes data fusion algorithms that operate on the physical layer of a wireless sensor network, in the context of three applications of cognitive radios: 1. Cooperative spectrum sensing via binary ...
Fundamentals Limits Of Communication In Interference Limited Environments
In multiuser wireless communications, interference not only limits the performance of the system, but also allows users to eavesdrop on other users’ messages. Hence, interference management in multiuser wireless communication ...
Low Power And Low Spur Frequency Synthesizer Circuit Techniques For Energy Efficient Wireless Transmitters
There has been a huge rise in interest in the design of energy efficient wireless sensor networks (WSN) and body area networks (BAN) with the advent of many new applications over the last few decades. The number of sensor ...
Optimal Amplify-And-Forward Relaying For Cooperative Communications And Underlay Cognitive Radio
Relay-assisted cooperative communication exploits spatial diversity to combat wireless fading, and is an appealing technology for next generation wireless systems. Several relay cooperation protocols have been proposed in ...
Source And Channel Coding Techniques for The MIMO Reverse-link Channel
In wireless communication systems, the use of multiple antennas, also known as Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO) communications, is now a widely accepted and important technology for improving their reliability and ...
Algorithms for Homogeneous Quadratic Minimization And Applications in Wireless Networks
Massive proliferation of wireless devices throughout world in the past decade comes with a host of tough and demanding design problems. Noise at receivers and wireless interference are the two major issues which severely ...