Browsing Computer Science and Automation (CSA) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 387
2-Level Page Tables (2-LPT): A Building Block for Efficient Address Translation in Virtualized Environments
Efficient address translation mechanisms are gaining more and more attention as the virtual address range of the processors keeps expanding and the demand for machine virtualization increases with cloud and data center-based ... -
Access Path Based Dataflow Analysis For Sequential And Concurrent Programs
(2016-09-14)In this thesis, we have developed a flow-sensitive data flow analysis framework for value set analyses for Java-like languages. Our analysis frame work is based on access paths—a variable followed by zero or more field ... -
ACE-Model: A Conceptual Evolutionary Model For Evolutionary Computation And Artificial Life
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-02-07)Darwinian Evolutionary system - a system satisfying the abstract conditions: reproduction with heritable variation, in a finite world, giving rise to Natural Selection encompasses a complex and subtle system of interrelated ... -
Achieving Fairness in the Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit Problem
The classical Stochastic Multi-armed Bandit (MAB) problem provides an abstraction for many real-world decision making problems such as sponsored-search auctions, crowd-sourcing, wireless communication, etc. In this work, ... -
Achieving practical secure non-volatile memory system with in-Memory Integrity Verification (iMIV)
Recent commercialization of Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technology in the form of Intel Optane enables programmers to write recoverable programs. However, the data on NVM is susceptible to a plethora of data remanence attacks, ... -
Acyclic Edge Coloring Of Graphs
(2013-10-07)A proper edge coloring of G =(V,E)is a map c : E → C (where C is the set of available colors ) with c(e) ≠ c(ƒ) for any adjacent edges e,f. The minimum number of colors needed to properly color the edges of G, is called ... -
Adaptive Hierarchial RAID
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-02-08)Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks or RAID is a popular method of improving the reliability and performance of disk storage. Of various levels of RAID, mirrored or RAID1 and rotating parity or RAID5 configurations have ... -
An Adaptive Recompilation Framework For Rotor And Architectural Support For Online Program Instrumentation
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-12-07)Although runtime systems and the dynamic compilation model have revolutionized the process of application development and deployment, the associated performance overheads continue to be a cause for concern and much research. ... -
Adaptive Selective Flooding Qos Routing
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-02-08)The routing strategy used in today's Internet is best-effort service, where all data packets are treated equally. This type of service is not suited for applications such as video conferencing, and video on demand, that ... -
Adaptively Secure Primitives in the Random Oracle Model
Adaptive security embodies one of the strongest notions of security that allows an adversary to corrupt parties at any point during protocol execution and gain access to its internal state. Since it models reallife situations ... -
Advancing the Communication Complexity Landscape of Perfectly Secure Multiparty Computation
Secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows n distrustful parties to jointly compute a function on their inputs while keeping their inputs private. The distrust is modelled as an adversary that controls up to t parties and ... -
Algorithmic and Combinatorial Questions on Some Geometric Problems on Graphs
(2018-05-08)This thesis mainly focuses on algorithmic and combinatorial questions related to some geometric problems on graphs. In the last part of this thesis, a graph coloring problem is also discussed. Boxicity and Cubicity: These ... -
An Algorithmic Characterization Of Polynomial Functions Over Zpn
(2014-07-04)The problem of polynomial representability of functions is central to many branches of mathematics. If the underlying set is a finite field, every function can be represented as a polynomial. In this thesis we consider ... -
Algorithmic Problems on Vertex Deletion and Graph Coloring
In the thesis, we mainly discuss variants of two well-studied graph theoretical problems - vertex deletion problem and graph coloring problem - both have been used to tackle many real-world problems in diverse fields. Vertex ... -
Algorithms And Models For Debugging Distributed Programs
(2012-05-04) -
Algorithms for Achieving Fairness and Efficiency in Matching Problems
Matching problems arise in numerous practical settings. Fairness and efficiency are two desirable properties in most such real world scenarios. This dissertation work presents new approaches and models for capturing and ... -
Algorithms for Challenges to Practical Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning (RL) in real world applications faces major hurdles - the foremost being safety of the physical system controlled by the learning agent and the varying environment conditions in which the autonomous ... -
Algorithms For Efficient Implementation Of Secure Group Communication Systems
(2007-10-23)A distributed application may be considered as a set of nodes which are spread across the network, and need to communicate with each other. The design and implementation of these distributed applications is greatly simplified ... -
Algorithms for Fair Clustering
Many decisions today are taken by various machine learning algorithms, hence it is crucial to accommodate fairness in such algorithms to remove/reduce any kind of bias in the decision. We incorporate fairness in the ... -
Algorithms for Fair Decision Making: Provable Guarantees and Applications
The topic of fair allocation of indivisible items has received significant attention because of its applicability in several real-world settings. This has led to a vast body of work focusing on defining appropriate fairness ...