• Acyclic Edge Coloring Of Graphs 

      Basavaraju, Manu (2013-10-07)
      A proper edge coloring of G =(V,E)is a map c : E → C (where C is the set of available colors ) with c(e) ≠ c(ƒ) for any adjacent edges e,f. The minimum number of colors needed to properly color the edges of G, is called ...
    • Intersection Graphs Of Boxes And Cubes 

      Francis, Mathew C (2011-01-25)
      A graph Gis said to be an intersection graph of sets from a family of sets if there exists a function ƒ : V(G)→ such that for u,v V(G), (u,v) E(G) ƒ (u) ƒ (v) ≠ . Interval graphs are thus the intersection graphs ...