• Consistency of Spectral Algorithms for Hypergraphs under Planted Partition Model 

      Ghoshdastidar, Debarghya (2018-01-01)
      Hypergraph partitioning lies at the heart of a number of problems in machine learning as well as other engineering disciplines. While partitioning uniform hypergraphs is often required in computer vision problems that ...
    • Deep Learning over Hypergraphs 

      Yadati, Naganand
      Graphs have been extensively used for modelling real-world network datasets, however, they are restricted to pairwise relationships, i.e., each edge connects exactly two vertices. Hypergraphs relax the notion of edges ...
    • Falcon : A Graph Manipulation Language for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems 

      Cheramangalath, Unnikrishnan (2018-08-20)
      Graphs model relationships across real-world entities in web graphs, social network graphs, and road network graphs. Graph algorithms analyze and transform a graph to discover graph properties or to apply a computation. ...
    • Rainbow Colouring and Some Dimensional Problems in Graph Theory 

      Rajendraprasad, Deepak (2018-04-05)
      This thesis touches three different topics in graph theory, namely, rainbow colouring, product dimension and boxicity. Rainbow colouring An edge colouring of a graph is called a rainbow colouring, if every pair of vertices ...