• Boxicity And Cubicity : A Study On Special Classes Of Graphs 

      Mathew, Rogers (2014-06-02)
      Let F be a family of sets. A graph G is an intersection graph of sets from the family F if there exists a mapping f : V (G)→ F such that, An interval graph is an intersection graph of a family of closed intervals on the ...
    • Deep Learning over Hypergraphs 

      Yadati, Naganand
      Graphs have been extensively used for modelling real-world network datasets, however, they are restricted to pairwise relationships, i.e., each edge connects exactly two vertices. Hypergraphs relax the notion of edges ...
    • Improved approximation bounds on maximum edge q coloring of dense graphs 

      Hashim, Talha
      The anti-Ramsey number ar(G,H) with input graph G and pattern graph H, is the maximum positive integer k such that there exists an edge coloring of G using k colors, in which there are no rainbow subgraphs isomorphic to ...
    • Parameterized Complexity of Maximum Edge Coloring in Graphs 

      Goyal, Prachi (2018-03-09)
      The classical graph edge coloring problem deals in coloring the edges of a given graph with minimum number of colors such that no two adjacent edges in the graph, get the same color in the proposed coloring. In the following ...
    • Problems on bend-number, circular separation dimension and maximum edge 2-colouring 

      Lahiri, Abhiruk
      Representation of graphs as the intersection graphs of geometric objects has a long history. The objective is to a nd a collection of \simple" sets S such that a given graph G is its intersection graph. We are interested ...