Browsing Computer Science and Automation (CSA) by Title
Now showing items 300-319 of 380
Program Repair by Automated Generation of Hints
Programming has become an important skill in today's technology-driven world. It is a complex activity because of which programmers make mistakes in their software. Student programmers make mistakes in their programs due ... -
Provable Methods for Non-negative Matrix Factorization
(2017-10-31)Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is an important data-analysis problem which concerns factoring a given d n matrix A with nonnegative entries into matrices B and C where B and C are d k and k n with nonnegative ... -
Quantum-Safe Identity-Based Signature Scheme in Multivariate Quadratic Setting
Cryptographic techniques are essential for the security of communication in modern society. Today, nearly all public key cryptographic schemes used in practice are based on the two problems of factoring large integers and ... -
Rainbow Colouring and Some Dimensional Problems in Graph Theory
(2018-04-05)This thesis touches three different topics in graph theory, namely, rainbow colouring, product dimension and boxicity. Rainbow colouring An edge colouring of a graph is called a rainbow colouring, if every pair of vertices ... -
Rainbow Connection Number Of Graph Power And Graph Products
(2014-09-09)The minimum number of colors required to color the edges of a graph so that any two distinct vertices are connected by at least one path in which no two edges are colored the same is called its rainbow connection number. ... -
Ranking from Pairwise Comparisons : The Role of the Pairwise Preference Matrix
(2018-07-05)Ranking a set of candidates or items from pair-wise comparisons is a fundamental problem that arises in many settings such as elections, recommendation systems, sports team rankings, document rankings and so on. Indeed it ... -
Rational Secure Computation: New Definitions and Constructions
Cryptography and Game Theory are two fascinating areas of modern computing, and there have been numerous works since the early 2000s to bridge these. While cryptography provides mechanisms to detect deviations, game theory ... -
Recommendations in Complex Networks: Unifying Structure into Random Walk
Making recommendations or predicting links which are likely to exist in the future is one of the central problems in network science and graph mining. In spite of modern state-of- the-art approaches for link prediction, ... -
Reconstruction of 3D Neuronal Structures
(2018-03-17)Microscopic analysis of biological structures can be significantly enhanced by representing the object of study as a three-dimensional entity. To assist neurobiologists investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in ... -
Recovery Algorithms for planted structures in Semi-random models
For many NP-hard problems, the analysis of best-known approximation algorithms yields “poor” worst-case guarantees. However, using various heuristics, the problems can be solved (to some extent) in real-life instances. ... -
Recovery From DoS Attacks In MIPv6 : Modelling And Validation
(2010-07-26)Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks form a very important category of security threats that are possible in MIPv6 (Mobile Internet Protocol version 6). This thesis proposes a scheme for participants (Mobile Node, Home Agent, ... -
Reeb Graphs : Computation, Visualization and Applications
(2018-02-23)Level sets are extensively used for the visualization of scalar fields. The Reeb graph of a scalar function tracks the evolution of the topology of its level sets. It is obtained by mapping each connected component of a ... -
A Refinement-Based Methodology for Verifying Abstract Data Type Implementations
(2018-06-21)This thesis is about techniques for proving the functional correctness of Abstract Data Type (ADT) implementations. We provide a framework for proving the functional correctness of imperative language implementations of ... -
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Off-Policy, Multi-Agent Learning and Applications to Smart Grids
Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are a popular class of algorithms for training an agent to learn desired behavior through interaction with an environment whose dynamics is unknown to the agent. RL algorithms ... -
Reliability Modelling Of Whole RAID Storage Subsystems
(2014-06-05)Reliability modelling of RAID storage systems with its various components such as RAID controllers, enclosures, expanders, interconnects and disks is important from a storage system designer's point of view. A model that ... -
Representing Networks: Centrality, Node Embeddings, Community Outliers and Graph Representation
Networks are ubiquitous. We start our technical work in this thesis by exploring the classical concept of node centrality (also known as influence measure) in information networks. Like clustering, node centrality is also ... -
Resolving the Complexity of Some Fundamental Problems in Computational Social Choice
(2017-12-16)In many real world situations, especially involving multiagent systems and artificial intelligence, participating agents often need to agree upon a common alternative even if they have differing preferences over the available ... -
Resource Allocation for Sequential Decision Making Under Uncertainaty : Studies in Vehicular Traffic Control, Service Systems, Sensor Networks and Mechanism Design
(2017-11-27)A fundamental question in a sequential decision making setting under uncertainty is “how to allocate resources amongst competing entities so as to maximize the rewards accumulated in the long run?”. The resources allocated ... -
Retweet Profiling - Study Dissemination of Twitter Messages
(2017-09-23)Social media has become an important means of everyday communication. It is a mechanism for “sharing” and “resharing” of information. While social network platforms provide the means to users for resharing/reblogging (aka ...