• Computational And Combinatorial Problems On Some Geometric Proximity Graphs 

      Khopkar, Abhijeet (2017-05-24)
      In this thesis, we focus on the study of computational and combinatorial problems on various geometric proximity graphs. Delaunay and Gabriel graphs are widely studied geometric proximity structures. These graphs have been ...
    • Computational Problems In Codes On Graphs 

      Krishnan, K Murali (2009-05-11)
      Two standard graph representations for linear codes are the Tanner graph and the tailbiting trellis. Such graph representations allow the decoding problem for a code to be phrased as a computational problem on the corresponding ...
    • Computational Protein Structure Analysis : Kernel And Spectral Methods 

      Bhattacharya, Sourangshu (2010-08-24)
      The focus of this thesis is to develop computational techniques for analysis of protein structures. We model protein structures as points in 3-dimensional space which in turn are modeled as weighted graphs. The problem of ...
    • Computing Contour Tress for 2D Piecewise Polynomial Functions 

      Nucha, Girijanandan
      Contour trees are extensively used in scalar field analysis. The contour tree is a data structure that tracks the evolution of level set topology in a scalar field. Scalar fields are typically available as samples at ...
    • Concurrency Analysis and Mining Techniques for APIs 

      Santhiar, Anirudh (2018-06-13)
      Software components expose Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as a means to access their functionality, and facilitate reuse. Developers use APIs supplied by programming languages to access the core data structures ...
    • Conflict-Tolerant Features 

      Gopinathan, Madhu (2010-12-07)
      Large, software intensive systems are typically developed using a feature oriented development paradigm in which feature specifications are derived from domain requirements and features are implemented to satisfy such ...
    • Consistency of Spectral Algorithms for Hypergraphs under Planted Partition Model 

      Ghoshdastidar, Debarghya (2018-01-01)
      Hypergraph partitioning lies at the heart of a number of problems in machine learning as well as other engineering disciplines. While partitioning uniform hypergraphs is often required in computer vision problems that ...
    • Constant-rate Non-malleable Codes and their Applications 

      Obbattu, Sai Lakshmi Bhavana
      Non-malleable codes(NMC) introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs in ITCS 2010, provide powerful security guarantees where error-correcting codes can not provide any guarantee: a decoding of tampered codeword is ...
    • Constructing Provably Secure Identity-Based Signature Schemes 

      Chethan Kamath, H (2018-04-03)
      An identity-based cryptosystem (IBC) is a public-key system where the public key can be represented by any arbitrary string such as an e-mail address. The notion was introduced by Shamir with the primary goal of simplifying ...
    • Construction of Secure and Efficient Private Set Intersection Protocol 

      Kumar, Vikas (2018-03-17)
      Private set intersection(PSI) is a two party protocol where both parties possess a private set and at the end of the protocol, one party (client) learns the intersection while other party (server) learns nothing. Motivated ...
    • A Context-Aware Neural Approach for Explainable Citation Link Prediction 

      Jain, Soumya
      Citations have become an integral part of scientific publications. They play a crucial role in supporting authors’ claims throughout a scientific paper. However, citing related work is a challenging and laborious task, ...
    • Data Structures and Algorithms to Analyze Concurrency in Android Applications 

      Pallavi Maiya, H P
      Android is a popular mobile operating system, providing a rich ecosystem for the development of applications which run on the Android platform. Entities such as the device user, network and sensors interact continuously ...
    • Decentralized information flow control for the robot operating system 

      Gameti, Chinmay
      The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a popular open-source middleware widely used in the robotics community. While ROS provides extensive support for robotic application develop- ment, it lacks certain fundamental security ...
    • Decision Making under Uncertainty : Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Applications in Cloud Computing, Crowdsourcing and Predictive Analytics 

      John, Indu
      In this thesis, we study both theoretical and practical aspects of decision making, with a focus on reinforcement learning based methods. Reinforcement learning (RL) is a form of semi-supervised learning in which the agent ...
    • Deep Learning for Bug Localization and Program Repair 

      Gupta, Rahul
      In this thesis, we focus on the problem of program debugging and present novel deep learning based techniques for bug-localization and program repair. Deep learning techniques have been successfully applied to a variety ...
    • Deep Learning Models for Few-shot and Metric Learning 

      Mehrotra, Akshay
      Deep neural network-based models have achieved unprecedented performance levels over many tasks in the traditional supervised setting and scale well with large quantities of data. On the other hand, improving performance ...
    • Deep Learning over Hypergraphs 

      Yadati, Naganand
      Graphs have been extensively used for modelling real-world network datasets, however, they are restricted to pairwise relationships, i.e., each edge connects exactly two vertices. Hypergraphs relax the notion of edges ...
    • Deep Learning with Minimal Supervision 

      Pandey, Gaurav
      Abstract In recent years, deep neural networks have achieved extraordinary performance on supervised learning tasks. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have vastly improved the state of the art for most computer vision ...
    • Delaunay Graphs for Various Geometric Objects 

      Agrawal, Akanksha (2017-12-12)
      Given a set of n points P ⊂ R2, the Delaunay graph of P for a family of geometric objects C is a graph defined as follows: the vertex set is P and two points p, p' ∈ P are connected by an edge if and only if there exists ...
    • Design and Analysis of Consistent Algorithms for Multiclass Learning Problems 

      Harish, Guruprasad Ramaswami (2018-08-14)
      We consider the broad framework of supervised learning, where one gets examples of objects together with some labels (such as tissue samples labeled as cancerous or non-cancerous, or images of handwritten digits labeled ...