Division of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Science (EECS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 721-740 of 1296
Photonic Crystal Ring Resonators for Optical Networking and Sensing Applications
(2017-12-03)Photonic bandgap structures have provided promising platform for miniaturization of modern integrated optical devices. In this thesis, a photonic crystal based ring resonator (PCRR) is proposed and optimized to exhibit ... -
A Novel Generalized Analytical Framework to Diagnose True Radial and Axial Displacements in an Actual Transformer Winding
(2017-12-02)Frequency response analysis (FRA) has emerged as the de-facto industry standard condition-monitoring tool to assess mechanical integrity of transformer windings during its service life. It the prerequisite detection ... -
Generation of Modulated Microwave Signals using Optical Techniques for Onboard Spacecraft Applications
(2017-12-01)This thesis deals with optical synthesis of unmodulated and modulated microwave signals. Generation of microwave signals based on optical heterodyning is discussed in detail. The effect of phase noise of laser on heterodyned ... -
Studies on Current Hysteresis Controllers and Low Order Harmonic Suppression Techniques for IM Drives with Dodecagoal Voltage Space Vectors
(2017-12-01)Multilevel inverters are very popular for medium and high-voltage induction motor (IM) drive applications. They have superior performance compared to 2-level inverters such as reduced harmonic content in output voltage and ... -
Time-based All-Digital Technique for Analog Built-in Self Test
(2017-11-30)A scheme for Built-in-Self-Test (BIST) of analog signals with minimal area overhead, for measuring on-chip voltages in an all-digital manner is presented in this thesis. With technology scaling, the inverter switching times ... -
A GPU Accelerated Tensor Spectral Method for Subspace Clustering
(2017-11-30)In this thesis we consider the problem of clustering the data lying in a union of subspaces using spectral methods. Though the data generated may have high dimensionality, in many of the applications, such as motion ... -
Design and Characterization of SRAMs for Ultra Dynamic Voltage Scalable (U-DVS) Systems
(2017-11-29)The ever expanding range of applications for embedded systems continues to offer new challenges (and opportunities) to chip manufacturers. Applications ranging from exciting high resolution gaming to routine tasks like ... -
Resource Allocation for Sequential Decision Making Under Uncertainaty : Studies in Vehicular Traffic Control, Service Systems, Sensor Networks and Mechanism Design
(2017-11-27)A fundamental question in a sequential decision making setting under uncertainty is “how to allocate resources amongst competing entities so as to maximize the rewards accumulated in the long run?”. The resources allocated ... -
Semantic Analysis of Web Pages for Task-based Personal Web Interactions
(2017-11-27)Mobile widgets now form a new paradigm of simplified web. Probably, the best experience of the Web is when a user has a widget for every frequently executed task, and can execute it anytime, anywhere on any device. However, ... -
Loss Ratios of Different Scheduling Policies for Firm Real-time System : Analysis and Comparisons
(2017-11-27)Firm real time system with Poisson arrival process, iid exponential service times and iid deadlines till the end of service of a job, operated under the First Come First Served (FCFS) scheduling policy is well studied. In ... -
Harmonic Sound Source Separation in Monaural Music Signals
(2017-11-27)Sound Source Separation refers to separating sound signals according to their sources from a given observed sound. It is efficient to code and very easy to analyze and manipulate sounds from individual sources separately ... -
Role of Channel State Information in Adaptation in Current and Next Generation Wireless Systems
(2017-11-24)Motivated by the increasing demand for higher data rates, coverage, and spectral efficiency, current and next generation wireless systems adapt transmission parameters and even who is being transmitted to, based on the ... -
Efficient Key Management, and Intrusion Detection Protocols for Enhancing Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
(2017-11-24)Security of communications is a major requirement for Mobile Adhoc NETworks(MANETs) since they use wireless channel for communications which can be easily tapped, and physical capture of MANET nodes is also quite easy. ... -
Design, Development and Characterization of Variable Reluctance Ferrofluid Pump
(2017-11-24)Ferrofluids are stable colloidal homogeneous mixtures of nano-size single-domain ferromag¬netic particles covered by surfactant layer, and suspended in a carrier fluid compatible with the surfactant. Physical properties of ... -
Demodulation of Narrowband Speech Spectrograms
(2017-11-22)Speech is a non-stationary signal and contains modulations in both spectral and temporal domains. Based on the type of modulations studied, most speech processing algorithms can be classified into short-time analysis ... -
Analysis of Local Field Potential and Gamma Rhythm Using Matching Pursuit Algorithm
(2017-11-17)Signals recorded from the brain often show rhythmic patterns at different frequencies, which are tightly coupled to the external stimuli as well as the internal state of the subject. These signals also have transient ... -
Joint Estimation of Impairments in MIMO-OFDM Systems
(2017-11-16)The integration of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques has become a preferred solution for the high rate wireless technologies due to its high spectral ... -
Multilevel Dodecagonal Space Vector Structures and Modulation Schemes with Hybrid Topologies for Variable Speed AC Drives
(2017-11-16)MULTILEVEL inverters are the preferred choice of converters for electronic power conversion for high power applications. They are gaining popularity in variety of industrial applications including electric motor drives, ... -
Belief Propagation and Algorithms for Mean-Field Combinatorial Optimisations
(2017-11-15)We study combinatorial optimization problems on graphs in the mean-field model, which assigns independent and identically distributed random weights to the edges of the graph. Specifically, we focus on two generalizations ... -
Exploration of Displacement Detection Mechanisms in MEMS Sensors
(2017-11-14)MEMS Sensors are widely used for sensing inertial displacements. The displacements arising out of acceleration /Coriolis effect are typically in the range of 1 nm-1 m. This work investigates the realization of high resolution ...