Division of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Science (EECS): Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-440 of 1296
Efficient Key Management Protocols for Secure Routing and End-to-End Key Establishment with Enhanced Security in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
There is a need to protect mobile ad hoc network (MANET) from external attackers as well as internal attackers during route discovery and end-to-end key establishment. During route discovery, the external attackers can be ... -
Unidirectional High-Frequency-Link DC to Three-Phase AC Conversion: Topology, Modulation and Converter Design
In recent years, stringent restrictions on greenhouse gas emission due to the present global warming scenario is driving governments and power utilities worldwide behind electricity generation using renewable energy ... -
One-Shot Coordination of First and Last Mode Service in Multi-Modal Transportation
In this thesis, we propose a coordination of the rst and last mode connectivity in a multi- modal transportation system. In particular, we consider a one-shot problem wherein the passengers must be transported to or ... -
Power Electronic Converters for Condition Monitoring and Voltage Equalization of Batteries
Power converters are used in battery-based storage systems in many applications. Apart from the task of regulating the charging and discharging, the power electronic converters can also help to monitor battery condition ... -
Equivalence test for the trace iterated matrix multiplication polynomial
An m-variate polynomial f is affine equivalent to an n-variate polynomial g if m > n and there is a full rank n * m matrix A and a n-dimensional vector b such that f(x) = g(Ax + b). Given blackbox access to f and g (i.e ... -
Efficient Transceiver Techniques for Media-based Modulation Systems
Conventionally, information bits are conveyed in a communication system by transmitting symbols from a complex modulation alphabet such as QAM or PSK. The wireless fading channel is viewed as a signal distorting medium ... -
Transmit Antenna Selection in Underlay Spectrum Sharing: Role of Power Adaptation, Interference Constraint, and Channel State Information
Spectrum sharing is essential to support high wireless data rates and a large number of wireless connections by the future technologies in the limited spectrum that is available. In underlay spectrum sharing a secondary ... -
Insights into Network Coding Using Tools From Linear Algebra and Matroid Theory
Traditionally, the transmission of information through a network was carried out using store-and-forward techniques. This entails managing information bits in a network analogous to commodity flow, without mixing or combining ... -
Design and Analysis of Integrated Optic Waveguide Grating for Sensor and Communication Applications
Waveguide gratings are widely being used for multitude of applications owing to high sensitivity, immunity to electromagnetic interference, multiplexing capabilities, light weight and compactness. Waveguide gratings on ... -
Efficient Schemes for Partitioning Based Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks in Multicore Architecture
The correctness of hard real-time systems depends not only on its logical correctness but also, on its ability to meet all its deadline. Existing real-time systems use either a pure real-time scheduler or a real-time ... -
P3 : An Effective Technique for Partitioned Path Profiling
Acyclic path profile is an abstraction of dynamic control flow paths of procedures and has been found to be useful in a wide spectrum of activities. Unfortunately, the runtime overhead of obtaining such a profile can be ... -
Speech task-specific representation learning using acoustic-articulatory data
Human speech production involves modulation of the air stream by the vocal tract shape determined by the articulatory configuration. Articulatory gestures are often used to represent the speech units. It has been shown ... -
Speech and noise analysis using sparse representation and acoustic-phonetics knowledge
This thesis addresses different aspects of machine listening using two different approaches, namely (1) A supervised and adaptive sparse representation based approach for identifying the type of background noise and the ... -
Fast total variation minimizing image restoration under mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise
Image acquisition in many biomedical imaging modalities is corrupted by Poisson noise followed by additive Gaussian noise. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) based restoration methods that use the exact Likelihood ... -
Modulation of Power Electronic Converter Fed Split-phase Induction Machine Drive
Induction machine (IM) is the workhorse of several industries due to its low cost and minimal maintenance. Power electronic converters play a major role in driving IMs which give better flexibility in these applications. ... -
On Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation for Wireless Communications
Future wireless communication systems are envisioned to support diverse requirements that include high mobility application scenarios such as high-speed trains, and vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-toinfrastructure communications. ... -
Constant-rate Non-malleable Codes and their Applications
Non-malleable codes(NMC) introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs in ITCS 2010, provide powerful security guarantees where error-correcting codes can not provide any guarantee: a decoding of tampered codeword is ... -
Real-Time Status Updates Over Erasure Channels
Real-time decision making relies on the availability of accurate data and, as such, delivering status updates in a timely fashion is of paramount importance. In this thesis, we first look at the interplay between average ... -
Functional Safety Analysis Techniques for Integrated Circuits Used in Cyber-Physical Systems
Integrated Circuits (ICs) are used to realize multitude of real life systems. These real life systems have ICs interacting with physical systems (this combination being referred to as cyber-physical systems or hybrid ... -
Model Extraction Defense using Modified Variational Autoencoder
Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) exposes machine learning (ML) models that are trained on confidential datasets to users in the form of an Application Programming Interface (API). Since the MLaaS models are deployed ...