Division of Chemical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 841-860 of 936
Towards The Total Synthesis Of Polycyclic Polyprenylated Acyl Phloroglucin (PPAP) Natural Products : Garsubellin A And Hyperforin
(2010-07-16)Organic synthesis has a rich history, ever since Friedrich Wohler’s synthesis of urea from ammonium cyanate in 1828 that gave birth to this important discipline of science. While organic synthesis has found many application ... -
Mapping The Reaction Coordinate For The Oxidative Addition Of Molecular Hydrogen To A Metal Center
(2010-07-15)The binding of molecular hydrogen to a metal center leads to the elongation of the H−H bond and subsequently to its cleavage along the reaction coordinate for the oxidative addition of H2. There has been considerable ... -
Synthesis Of 2-Deoxy-1-Thioglycosides And Establishing Their Efficient Glycosyl Donor Properties To Prepare Aryl 2-Deoxy Glycosides And 2-Deoxy Oligosaccharides
(2010-07-08)Carbohydrates are a family of polyfunctional natural products and can be chemically modified in numerous ways. The primary significance of carbohydrates rests in their importance in biological functions. A particular class ... -
Synthesis, Physicochemical Studies And Gelation Properties Of Novel Bile Acid Derivatives
(2010-07-01)Chapter 1. An Overview of Bile Acid Science This chapter deals with an overview of bile acid science (cholanology) compiling elevant literature review, covering bile acid chemistry, biosynthesis, bile salt evolution, ... -
Structure And Dynamics Of Constrained Water : Microscopic Study Of Macromolecular Hydration Using Computer Simulations
(2010-06-04)The thesis, which contains nine chapters, reports extensive large scale atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies of water structure and dynamics at the surface of an anionic micelle, hydration layer of two ... -
Quadratic Optical Nonlinearity And Geometry Of 1:1 Electron Donor Acceptor Complexes In Solution
(2010-06-04)The knowledge of geometry of molecular complexes formed via molecular association in solution through weak interactions is always important to understand the origin of stability and function of an array of molecules, ... -
Doping And photophysical Properties Of II-VI Semiconductor Nanocrystals
(2010-06-03)Semiconductor nanocrystals with sizes comparable to the corresponding bulk excitonic diameter exhibit unique size-dependent electronic and optical properties resulting from quantum confinement effect. Such nanocrystals not ... -
Synthesis, Characterization, Properties And Growth Of Inorganic Nanomaterials
(2010-06-03)The thesis consists of eight chapters of which the first chapter presents a brief overview of inorganic nanostructures. Synthesis and magnetic properties of MnO and NiO nanocrystals are described in Chapter 2, with emphasis ... -
Design And Synthesis Of Novel Soft Composites From Physical Gels And Nanomaterials
(2010-06-03)The present thesis entitled “Design and Synthesis of Novel Soft Composites from Physical Gels and Nanomaterials” deals with soft materials derived from low molecular weight gels and nanomaterials. Chapter 1 gives a ... -
Gas Phase And Electrocatalytic Reaction Over Pt, Pd Ions Substituted CeO2, TiO2 Catalysts and Electronic Interaction Between Noble Metal Ions And The Reducible Oxide
(2010-06-02)Among the various heterogeneous catalytic reactions three way catalysis (TWC), catalytic combustion of hydrogen, water gas shift reaction (WGS) and preferential oxidation of CO (PROX) in the hydrogen rich stream are some ... -
Enantiospecific Approaches To Komarovispiranes
(2010-05-25)Among Nature's creation, terpenoids are more versatile and exciting natural products. In a remarkable display of synthetic ingenuity and creativity, nature has endowed terpenes with a bewildering array of carbocyclic ... -
Investigations Into The Microstructure-Property Correlation In Doped And Undoped Giant Dielectric Constant Material CaCu3Ti4O12
(2010-05-24)High dielectric constant materials are of technological importance as they lead to the miniaturization of the electronic devices. In this context, the observation of anomalously high dielectric constant (>104) in the ... -
Investigations Into The Synthesis, Structural And Dielectric Properties Concerning The Relaxor Behavior Of n=2 Members Of The Aurivillius Family Of Oxides
(2010-05-21)Relaxor ferroelectrics have been a subject of intense research owing to their interesting physical properties such as high dielectric constant and giant electro-striction. Unlike the conventional lead based relaxors, the ... -
Functional Hyperbranched Polyethers Via Melt-Transetherification Polymerization
(2010-04-12)Dendrimers are highly branched macromolecules which are prepared by a stepwise procedure. The presence of a well-defined core, discrete generations and a large number of terminal groups in dendrimers make them structurally ... -
Studies On Epitaxial Perovskite Biferroic Heterostructures
(2010-04-08)The present research work focuses on the fabrication and characterization of epitaxial heterostructures of 0.7 Pb(Mg1/3N2/3)O3 – 0.3 PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) and La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) using multi target pulsed laser ablation ... -
Thin Films From Metalorganic Precursors : ALD Of VO2 And CVD Of (Al1-xGax)2O3
(2010-04-08)Thin films and coatings of oxides are used in various fields of science and technology, such as semiconductor and optoelectronic devices, gas sensors, protective and wear resistant coatings etc. Of late, there has been a ... -
Studies On Pure And Modified Antiferroelectric PbZrO3 Thin Films
(2010-04-06)Metal oxides crystallized in perovskite structure are generally modified in two different ways. According to the general structural formula ABO3, the two ways are A-site modification and B-site modification. The primary ... -
Ferroelectric Perovskite Superlattices By Pulsed Laser Ablation
(2010-03-18)Fabrication of artificially structured superlattices, when controlled on a nanoscale level, can exhibit enhanced dielectric properties over a wide temperature range. Possible fabrication of new functional devices based on ... -
Soft X-ray Multilayers As Polarizing Elements : Fabrication, And Studies Of Surfaces And Interfaces
(2010-03-09)The exploitation of the soft x-ray/extreme ultra-violet (EUV) region of the electromagnetic spectrum is possible mainly due to the development of multilayer (ML) mirrors. This region of the electromagnetic spectrum offers ... -
Electrochemical Studies Of Polyaniline And Some Of Its Applications
(2010-03-03)The studies reported in the thesis deal with surface modification of non-platinum metals by coating with electronically conducting polymers, namely, polyanilne (PANI) and polypyrrole (PPY). The oxidation of Г/I2, ...