Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 939
Quantum Glass, Spin Liquids, Fragmentation, Fractional Orbitals, and Flat Band Physics in Classical and Quantum Spin Models
The world of many-body physics, encompassing both classical and quantum systems, is a breeding ground for novel phases of matter. Recent attention revolves around exotic phases characterized by fractionalized particles, ... -
Confronting realistic MHD simulations of solar eruptions with observed space based data
Solar flares and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are among the most violent and energetic phenomena observed in the solar atmosphere, resulting from the sudden release of immense amounts of energy. A typical solar flare is ... -
Quantum and classical hardware development for superconducting qubits
The journey toward realizing practical quantum computing involves overcoming critical challenges in qubit architecture, robust gate performance, and scalable control systems. This thesis addresses these challenges through ... -
Monolayer MoS2 and plasmonic heterostructure for molecular sensor
In recent years, artificially engineered materials, known as meta structures, have demonstrated tuneable optoelectronic properties, making meta-coupled devices highly advantageous for a wide range of technological applications. ... -
Information scrambling in spin glasses and entanglement transition of monitored bosons
In this thesis, I study various aspects of quantum many-body dynamics from the perspective of quantum information scrambling and entanglement dynamics in closed systems as well as systems interacting with the environment. ... -
Galactic cosmic rays from star clusters and nearby supernovae remnants
Cosmic rays (CRs) are high-energy particles, predominantly originating from outside the Earth’s atmosphere. These particles, ranging from protons to heavier nuclei, propagate through space at nearly the speed of light, ... -
Crystal Structure of an Effector Histone Methyltransferase Rv2067c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv: Structural Insights into Context-Dependent Substrate Recognition Structure and Dynamics of a GNAT Family Protein Acetyltransferase HP0935 from a Gastric Pathogen Helicobacter pylori 26695
Methylation of histones is one of the important gene regulation mechanisms in eukaryotes. Histone methylation has a role in immune response to the invading pathogens. Pathogens implement effector proteins that evade host ... -
Proposals for probing BSM in unexplored corners of Top physics and Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM)
Despite its triumphs, the Standard Model (SM) fails to address many experimental observations and theoretical puzzles. Explanation of these necessitates postulation of new physics beyond those in the SM (BSM). The thesis ... -
The influence of temperature and bias voltage on bulk and two-dimensional bismuth sulfide for optoelectronic applications
The field of optoelectronics seeks sustainable, abundant, and cost-effective materials that can reliably perform under varying environmental conditions. Bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3), a narrow bandgap (1.3 eV) semiconductor has ... -
Design and analysis of a miniaturized Atomic Force Microscope scan head
An Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is a type of scanning probe microscope used for nano-scale characterization, topography imaging and manipulation of conducting and insulating samples, at sub-nanometer resolution. Its ... -
The Role of Physiology, Geometry and Mechanics in Some Cardiac Arrhythmias
Chapter 1: We start with a brief introduction about the history and modern perspective, of cardiac literature, some description of the models we use for the electrophysiology simulations. Chapter 2 Focal arrhythmias, ... -
Symmetric real-closed subsets of affine Kac-Moody Lie Algebras
In this thesis, we study some important classification problems related to affine Kac--Moody Lie algebras. First, we address the combinatorial problem of classifying symmetric real-closed subsets of affine root systems ... -
Simulations and modeling of multiphase gas in the circumgalactic medium
The circumgalactic medium (CGM) plays a critical role in galactic evolution, serving as a complex gaseous environment that hosts most of a galaxy's baryonic matter and mediates intricate gas flows. This thesis presents ... -
Multiscale Modeling of Molecular Sieve Membranes
Gases permeating through nanopores experience selective adsorption with sub-diffusive dynamics. In this work we investigate how the physicochemical properties of nanoporous membranes influence adsorption dynamics of gases, ... -
Observational study of decayless waves across different scales in the solar corona
The long-standing problem of coronal heating focuses on probing sources that can continuously supply energy to sustain million-degree temperatures. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves play a crucial role because their dissipation ... -
Computation of Induced Eddy Currents in Axially Symmetric Geometries Using the Coupled Inductor Method
The computation of eddy currents is essential in applications including induction heating, magnetic levitation, and non-destructive testing. Usually, the numerical solution of partial differential equations derived from ... -
Study of Optical Coupling of Excitons & Trions in Colloidal Quantum Wells with Photonic Metasurface Resonators & Microcavities
Quantum photonics held immense potential for applications such as quantum metrology and cryptography. In this thesis, we investigated the optical properties of colloidal quantum wells (CQWs) integrated with photonic ... -
Studies of Models of Superfluids from Nanometres to Astrophysical Scales
In this thesis, we study various models of superfluids applicable across a broad range of systems, from laboratory flows to astrophysical scales. At zero temperature, we utilize the Gross-Pitaevskii model of superfluid 4He ... -
Synthesis, characterization and morphology control of colloidal MoS2 quantum dots and their applications
The quantum dots (QDs) are known as artificial atoms due to their size of the order of 2-10 nm. After their discovery in 1980, QDs have attracted significant attention due to their enhanced optical, electronic, and chemical ... -
Explorations of singularities in some hydrodynamical partial differential equations
The global regularity problem for the 3D Euler equations remains unsolved. The presence of finite-time singularities (FTS) can signal the breakdown of the PDE as a physical model for fluid flow; it is also conjectured to ...