• Analytic Continuation In Several Complex Variables 

      Biswas, Chandan (2014-06-30)
      We wish to study those domains in Cn,for n ≥ 2, the so-called domains of holomorphy, which are in some sense the maximal domains of existence of the holomorphic functions defined on them. We demonstrate that this study ...
    • Rigidity And Regularity Of Holomorphic Mappings 

      Balakumar, G P (2015-07-16)
      We deal with two themes that are illustrative of the rigidity and regularity of holomorphic mappings. The first one concerns the regularity of continuous CR mappings between smooth pseudo convex, finite type hypersurfaces ...
    • Some Descriptions Of The Envelopes Of Holomorphy Of Domains in Cn 

      Gupta, Purvi (2011-08-09)
      It is well known that there exist domains Ω in Cn,n ≥ 2, such that all holomorphic functions in Ω continue analytically beyond the boundary. We wish to study this remarkable phenomenon. The first chapter seeks to motivate ...