Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE): Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 394
Design of Privacy Protection Schemes for Mobile Adhoc Networks using Rough Set Theory
MANET is a self-con guring, decentralized and infrastructure-less mobile wireless network, where autonomous mobile nodes (such as laptops, smartphones, sensors, etc.) communicate over the wireless channels. Thus, MANETs ... -
Synthesis of Conformal Antenna Arrays on Polygonal Cross-Sectional Cylindrical Conductors for 360 Degree Azimuth Coverage Applications
Antenna arrays are one of the most important part of any RF communications system nowadays. Ranging from military to communication applications, the versatility they provide in selectively enhancing and rejecting signals ... -
Design and Analysis of Full-duplex Systems for Next-generation Wireless Communication Systems
To cater to the ever-growing demand for higher data rates, cellular networks and wireless local area networks (WLANs) need to adopt innovative technologies. Full-duplex (FD) is one such technology that promises to double ... -
Structured Sparse Signal Recovery for mmWave Channel Estimation: Intra-vector Correlation and Modulo Compressed Sensing
This thesis contributes new theoretical results and recovery algorithms for the area of sparse signal recovery motivated by applications to the problem of channel estimation in mmWave communication systems. The presentation ... -
Design and Development of ECA based Routing Protocols for Ubiquitous Network
The ubiquitous network is a heterogeneous wireless network comprising of computing devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, PDAs, etc., are connected to any device at any time, anywhere that enabling mobile users to ... -
Resource Allocation Schemes for 4G/5G based Interactive Multimedia Networks
Emerging interactive multimedia applications such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality are upcoming important applications in healthcare, autonomous transport, education, tactile internet, and industrial automation. ... -
Contributions on Index Coding, Coded Caching and Gradient Coding
In this thesis, we cover three major areas, namely, index coding, coded caching and gradient coding. We begin by considering unicast index coding problems where a server broadcasts coded messages over a noiseless channel, ... -
Performance improvement of meshless methods for practical time domain electromagnetic analyses.
Solution of Maxwell's equations for practical antennas, filters, waveguides and other microwave devices requires use of numerical methods. Popular numerical methods include the finite difference time domain method (FDTD), ... -
Energy-Efficient Data Fusion Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are finding increasing use in applications such as environmental monitoring, military surveillance, and healthcare due to their low cost and ease of deployment. However, the nodes in a ... -
Optimal Code Constructions for Some Multi-sender Index Coding Problems
An instance of the multi-sender index coding problem consists of a set of senders collectively having all the messages demanded by a set of receivers. Each receiver knows a subset of messages a priori, called its side ... -
Error Correction in Index Coding And Coded Caching
In an index coding problem, there is a sender which has a set of messages and there are multiple receivers demanding possibly different subsets of these messages and possessing some other subsets of these messages as ... -
On Streaming Codes, Regenerating Codes and Locality-Aided Decoding
This thesis presents results relating to the application of error-correcting codes with different aims and in different settings; to achieve low-latency communication, to improve decoding performance and to enable the ... -
Linear Dynamical Systems with Sparsity Constraints: Theory and Algorithms
This thesis develops new mathematical theory and presents novel recovery algorithms for discrete linear dynamical systems (LDS) with sparsity constraints on either control inputs or initial state. The recovery problems ... -
On Media-Based Modulation for Wireless Communications
Traditionally, symbols chosen from complex modulation alphabets such as QAM and PSK are used to convey information bits, and complex fades introduced by the channel are viewed as detrimental effects that cause amplitude ... -
A Method of Designing an Intelligent Public Transportation System in Metropolitan Area Using Emergent Intelligence
Metropolitan area consists of huge population density, one or more urban areas, satellite cities, rural areas and towns. It highly concentrates economic activities to attract people from rural areas and is a complex ... -
Engineering quantum emitters in WSe2 films on metal films
The discovery of single photon emitters (SPEs) in van der Waals materials, in particular, from point defects in Tungsten Diselenide (WSe2) and hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN), has sparked tremendous research interest in the ... -
Designing Authentication and Privacy Schemes for Ubiquitous Services
Ubiquitous services in ubiquitous environments provide personalized and adaptive services to a user anytime anywhere, by considering the context information such as profile information and history of the users. Ubiquitous ... -
Analysis of Printed Periodic Structures and Their Applications in Antennas and Absorbers
To meet the demand of continuously growing RF and microwave technologies, scientists and engineers have developed innovative materials consisting of conducting and dielectric materials that overcome limitations in the ... -
Differential Encoding for Real-Time Status Updates
We consider the problem of status updates of a physical process over an unreliable channel. In this setting, one may not be able to reliably transmit the current state at all times. Instead, one is interested in the ... -
Wireless Channel Modeling for Drone to Ground 2.4 GHz link
Use of Drones for communication is picking up the pace and expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. These drones will be used as access points for providing WiFi services in the near future. It is well known ...