Browsing Electrical Communication Engineering (ECE) by Title
Now showing items 22-41 of 383
Bayesian Techniques for Joint Sparse Signal Recovery: Theory and Algorithms
This thesis contributes new theoretical results, solution concepts, and algorithms concerning the Bayesian recovery of multiple joint sparse vectors from noisy and underdetermined linear measurements. The thesis is written ... -
Belief Propagation and Algorithms for Mean-Field Combinatorial Optimisations
(2017-11-15)We study combinatorial optimization problems on graphs in the mean-field model, which assigns independent and identically distributed random weights to the edges of the graph. Specifically, we focus on two generalizations ... -
Belief Propagation Based Signal Detection In Large-MIMO And UWB Systems
(2011-02-03)Large-dimensional communication systems are likely to play an important role in modern wireless communications, where dimensions can be in space, time, frequency and their combinations. Large dimensions can bring several ... -
Bitrate Reduction Techniques for Low-Complexity Surveillance Video Coding
(2017-09-26)High resolution surveillance video cameras are invaluable resources for effective crime prevention and forensic investigations. However, increasing communication bandwidth requirements of high definition surveillance videos ... -
Blind Detection Techniques For Spread Spectrum Audio Watermarking
(2009-08-13)In spreads pectrum (SS)watermarking of audio signals, since the watermark acts as an additive noise to the host audio signal, the most important challenge is to maintain perceptual transparency. Human perception is a very ... -
Blocker-tolerant Receiver Design Suitable for Software-defined and Cognitive Radio Applications
The ever growing demand for higher data rates and the heavy usage of wireless communication devices have created frequency congestion on certain bands of the radio spectrum. The push has been towards new standards that can ... -
Broadband Millimeter-Wave CMOS Transceiver for 5G Mobile Communication and Radar-Based Sensing
To meet the ever-growing demand for higher data rates in communication networks and higher range and velocity resolutions in automotive radar sensors, fifth-generation (5G) new radio (NR) transceivers and radars used in ... -
Capacity Computation and Coding for Input-Constrained Channels
The setting of the transmission of information over noisy, binary-input, memoryless channels is today well-understood, owing to the work of several information theorists, beginning with Claude Shannon. It is known that it ... -
Charge Density Wave-driven Carrier Transport in Layered Heterostructures
Metal-based electronics remain one of the longstanding goals of researchers to achieve ultra-fast and radiation-hard electronic circuits. Generally, metals are primarily used as passive conductors in modern electronics and ... -
Classical Binary Codes And Subspace Codes in a Lattice Framework
(2017-10-10)The classical binary error correcting codes, and subspace codes for error correction in random network coding are two different forms of error control coding. We identify common features between these two forms and study ... -
Clustering For Designing Error Correcting Codes
(Indian Institute of Science, 2005-02-11)In this thesis we address the problem of designing codes for specific applications. To do so we make use of the relationship between clusters and codes. Designing a block code over any finite dimensional space may be thought ... -
Coded Caching in Multi-access Networks
Caching is a promising technique that can reduce the amount of data transmitted over latency-prone links, effectively trading affordable memory for expensive bandwidth resources. The frequently demanded content is stored ... -
Codes for distributed storage, private information retrieval and low-latency streaming
This thesis presents results on error correcting codes for settings such as: (a) distributed storage, (b) private information retrieval, and (c) low-latency streaming. It also presents two new decoding algorithms for Polar ... -
Codes With Combined Locality and Regeneration Having Optimal Minimum Distance and Linear Field Size
This thesis presents error correcting codes in the setting of distributed storage. The codes presented in this thesis are optimal with respect to the minimum distance bound and have a finite field size which grows ... -
Codes With Locality For Distributed Data Storage
(2017-07-26)This thesis deals with the problem of code design in the setting of distributed storage systems consisting of multiple storage nodes, storing many different data les. A primary goal in such systems is the efficient repair ... -
Coding For Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems And Wireless Relay Networks
(2009-03-04)Communication over a wireless channel is a challenging task because of the inherent fading effects. Any wireless communication system employs some form of diversity improving techniques in order to improve the reliability ... -
Coding For Wireless Relay Networks And Mutiple Access Channels
(2011-07-12)This thesis addresses the design of low-complexity coding schemes for wireless relay networks and multiple access channels. The first part of the thesis is on wireless relay networks and the second part is on multiple ... -
Coding Schemes For Distributed Subspace Computation, Distributed Storage And Local Correctability
(2017-07-24)In this thesis, three problems have been considered and new coding schemes have been devised for each of them. The first is related to distributed function computation, the second to coding for distributed storage and the ... -
Coding Schemes for Secure and Reliable DNA-Based Data Storage
In DNA-based data storage, the desired information is encoded into the quaternary sequence of synthetic DNA molecules, called oligos. We look at secure communication via information-containing oligos in the usual three-party ...