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dc.contributor.advisorGhose, Debasish
dc.contributor.authorMajumder, Rudrashis
dc.description.abstractThe occurrence of a severe natural disaster causes loss of life and destruction of properties. The overall criticality of the disaster depends on the nature of the disaster and the physical characteristics of the affected locations. In the aftermath of a natural disaster, multiple emergencies often evolve at different geographical locations with casualties and infrastructure damage. In post-disaster scenarios, responsible authorities should initiate relevant disaster management activities to mitigate the devastating effects of natural disaster. Resource allocation is an integral part of the post-disaster activities. In general, resource allocation deals with the issue of distributing necessary resources to multiple users depending on their demand and the availability of resources. It aims to achieve efficient and fair assignment of limited resources. The devastation caused by a natural disaster enforces the need for various critical resources in disaster-affected locations to reduce the impact of the disaster. When adequate resources are available, the problem of allocating resources becomes trivial, and all the crisis locations can be fully satisfied in terms of their resource requirements. However, if there is a scarcity of essential resources after the simultaneous occurrence of multiple emergencies at distinct geographical locations, providing resources to all those regions and fulfilling their demands simultaneously becomes challenging. In such situations, efficient decision-making is necessary to execute a fair and socially agreeable allocation of resources to the affected locations. One cannot rely on human-controlled decision-making since it can have a bias for, or prejudice against, some of the disaster locations. A fair and impartial approach to the allocation of resources can be implemented by designing an automated decision-making system. This thesis proposes a game-theoretic framework which can form the basis for such a system. In this thesis, we develop a multi-event emergency management system using a non-cooperative, single-stage, strategic form game model to facilitate the allocation of resources to the respective disaster locations. Each emergency event is assumed to occur at different locations simultaneously, and some amount of resources are demanded by each location to mitigate the impact of disasters. These locations are represented as players in the game, which are assumed to play in a self-interested manner with the other players to get an allocation of scarce resources available at the resource station. However, it should be noted that the disaster locations are not actively involved in playing a game. It is a centralized decision-making executed by the responsible disaster management authority, which implements the algorithm designed using the game-theoretic framework to decide reasonable allocations to the players. The authority assumes different allocations to be the possible strategies of the players and arrive at a fair solution. As a game utility, the authority imposes a non-monetary cost on each player for obtaining a certain amount of resource units. The objective of the proposed game is to derive socially acceptable strategies for an effective and fair allocation of resources to the respective players. In the thesis, it is established that the game model is unique in structure and always possesses pure strategy Nash equilibria (PSNE). Each PSNE consists of possible allocations to the players; hence, those can be implemented by the disaster management authority as potential allocation vectors. As the resources needed during disaster management can be both divisible and indivisible, we investigate the game for both types of resources. Mathematical analysis shows that the existence of PSNEs is independent of the nature of resources. The only difference it makes is that in the case of indivisible resources, the players have a discrete set of strategies, and divisible resources make their strategy sets continuous. It is also shown that the game-theoretic algorithm can be used for any number of players or disaster locations at various stages of resource allocations. The investigation is conducted using twoplayer, three-player and n-player game models. Different case studies are presented in the chapters of this thesis to validate the mathematical results developed in this work and to indicate how this proposed method can be helpful in practical disaster resource allocations. This work also includes the statistical analysis of the game-theoretic algorithm and the study of its computational complexity. This thesis also includes a study on the preparedness and damage assessment of a natural disaster using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Preparedness is a pre-disaster activity which is essential to build resilience against natural disasters. Damage assessment is one of the post-disaster activities which estimates the loss of human lives, properties, and infrastructure. This phase is important to initiate the response and recovery work after a natural disaster. These activities become challenging and time-consuming when human effort is the only option. In our study, we focus on the possible applications of UAVs to make these activities speedy and effective.en_US
dc.rightsI grant Indian Institute of Science the right to archive and to make available my thesis or dissertation in whole or in part in all forms of media, now hereafter known. I retain all proprietary rights, such as patent rights. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis or dissertationen_US
dc.subject.classificationResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Engineering mechanics::Other engineering mechanicsen_US
dc.titleResource Allocation for Natural Disasters using a Game-theoretic Frameworken_US
dc.typeThesisen_US Institute of Scienceen_US

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