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dc.contributor.advisorNatarajan, Vijay
dc.contributor.authorValsangkar, Akash Anil
dc.description.abstractAnalyzing depressions plays an important role in meteorology, especially in the study of cyclones. In particular, the study of the temporal evolution of cyclones requires a robust depression tracking framework. To cope with this demand we propose a pipeline for the exploration of cyclones and their temporal evolution. This entails a generic framework for their identification and tracking. The fact that depressions and cyclones are not well-defined objects and their shape and size characteristics change over time makes this task especially challenging. Our method combines the robustness of topological approaches and the detailed tracking in-formation from optical ow analysis. At first cyclones are identified within each time step based on well-established topological concepts. Then candidate tracks are computed from an optical flow field. These tracks are clustered within a moving time window to distill dominant coherent cyclone movements, which are then forwarded to a nal tracking step. In contrast to previous methods our method requires only a few intuitive parameters. An integration into an exploratory framework helps in the study of cyclone movement by identifying smooth, representative tracks. Multiple case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in tracking cyclones, both in the northern and southern hemisphere.en_US
dc.rightsI grant Indian Institute of Science the right to archive and to make available my thesis or dissertation in whole or in part in all f orms of media, now hereafter known. I retain all proprietary rights, such as patent rights. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis or dissertationen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Identificationen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Trackingen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Motion Graph Computationen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Track Graph Computationen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Motion Graphen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Track Graphen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Centresen_US
dc.subjectCyclone Movementen_US
dc.subject.classificationComputer Scienceen_US
dc.titleAn Exploratory Framework for Cyclone Identification and Trackingen_US Enggen_US Institute of Scienceen_US

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